Online Afternoon Spanish Course

Price from €95/month

+ €18 e-book

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Every week

Total beginners: every 3 weeks

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Every week

Total beginners: every 3 weeks

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Mon & Wed or Tue & Thu

18:30-20:00 or 20:00-21:30

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4 in group

Course characteristics

The online afternoon Spanish course is the perfect formula if you want to invest your time in studying, learning and progressing in Spanish in a real fast and effective way, spending several hours a day in Spain without leaving home. During 1 month, 4 lessons a week, Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday, you will experience a real immersion in the language and culture.

This course has been designed with AIL Madrid, a leading high quality Spanish school, accredited by the Instituto Cervantes, that creates a different and very fun immersion through their virtual classroom.

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level iconLevels A1-C2
user iconFrom 16 y/o
acuerdo iconCertificate Yes
reloj iconLesson duration 45 min
pizarra iconModality Online
estidiande iconStudents per classroom max. 9

Course advantages

At Dencanto Community we are committed to quality and innovation in Spanish teaching.

That is why we guarantee that the online afternoon Spanish course has been designed following these values and based on many years of experience. Its main advantages are:

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Same characteristics as a face-to-face class. You can see, hear, speak, and interact with your teacher and classmates. With all resources available.
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Increase of participation and socialization. It is surprising that the level of communication and interaction outside the classroom is higher than in traditional classes.
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More dynamic feedback and mistakes correction. Homework is sent directly through the platform and corrected by the teacher in a faster way.
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More efficient and practical. Avoid transportation time and expenses.
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You are virtually immersed in Spanish language and culture during several hours a day, with your teacher as a reference.
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Flexible. this course is perfect for those who work or study in the morning and can only dedicate a few hours in the afternoon to learn Spanish.

3 weekly after class activities:

Would you like to travel to Spain without leaving the comfort of your home?

Very easy: just join the fun online activities.

Virtual activities are fun and interactive. You will meet people from all over the world and have the opportunity to learn something new while improving your Spanish.

Email us if you want to learn more about this week activities

Virtual classroom

In the virtual Spanish classroom, the student is the protagonist, motivated to interact with the teacher and the rest of the students. Communication is always a priority.

With the intention of offering quality learning and academic excellence, the students a provided with some specific tools for virtual learning environments, such as:

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The use of videoconferences, chats and virtual classrooms. Small groups to guarantee personalized attention to each student

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The provision of both learning materials during the lessons and reinforcement materials for homework

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Knowledge assessment through online tests and exams, both written and oral, with the teacher in charge of the virtual classroom


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Learning a language makes you exercise your mind. For Spanish learning, the professional training of the teachers crucial, but what’s even more important is that they know how to transmit the passion for the language to their students. It’s our pleasure to present some of the teachers whom you will meet in the Virtual Classroom, all of them experienced in teaching Spanish as foreign language.




The enrollment includes:

- E-book an all learning materials.

- Level test (outside course hours)

- Attendance certificate

Actualmente hay 25 grupos de español por las tardes con los siguientes horarios y niveles:

Monday and Wednesday, 18:30-20:00: A1.1, A2.2, B1.1, B1.2, B2.2, C1.2

Monday and Wednesday, 20:00-21:30: A1.1, A2.1, A2.2

Tuesday and Thursday, 18:30-20:00: A1.1, A2.2, B1.2, B2.2, C1.1

Tuesday and Thursday, 20:00-21:30: A1.1, A1.2, B1.1, B1.2, B2.2, C1.1

El próximo curso de principiantes por las tardes comienza el 1 de marzo, con clase de lunes y miércoles desde 18:30 – 20:00. Los grupos nuevos para principiantes comienzan cada 3 semanas, para cualquier consulta pregúntanos las fechas.

Sabemos que debido a compromisos externos no siempre podrás asistir a clase. ¡Es por eso que permitimos cancelar las clases nocturnas y recuperarlas en una fecha posterior! Todo lo que tiene que hacer es informar al Equipo de Atención al Estudiante por correo electrónico al menos 1 día hábil / 24 horas antes de la hora programada de la clase (excepto los fines de semana o días festivos que no son posibles las cancelaciones). Solo pagarás por las clases a las que vienes.

AIL Madrid es una de las mejores escuelas de español en Madrid cuyo material académico está recomendado por el Instituto Cervantes y en donde se esfuerzan por ofrecer las mejores metodologías para enseñar español, complementándolo con materiales de audio/video, materiales propios e internet.

Cada estudiante recibe su certificado de asistencia cuando finalizada el curso y además, tienes la opción de hacer un examen cuando finalices el curso.

- Go to the enrollment form and fill in the requested fields.

-Escoge el horario que deseas en base a tu nivel y clika en el botón de suscribirse o reservar.

-Haz el pago en la pasarela de pago correspondiente, las cuales tienen su sistema de seguridad propios de antifraude.

-Posteriormente, recibirás un correo de confirmación por parte de Dencanto Community con las instrucciones para empezar tu curso.

Do you have any doubts?
Let us help you

If you have any doubts that are not resolved in the FAQ section or if you need us to clarify any detail, do not hesitate to email us. Use the "more info" button at the beginning of this website or to the email directly at We remind you that Dencanto Community is the largest Spanish learning community where you can find the most interesting courses for your training.

benefits of booking with Dencanto Community

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Guarantee.Highest quality training. We work with leading institutions to offer you the best training options.
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Safety.Our staff will help you with any inconvenience.
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Flexibility in making changes to your booking in terms of schools, courses or accommodation types.
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No extra charges or agency fees. Additional discounts.

Book your place

Afternoon Spanish course