Junior programs

Spanish courses for teens and minors with sport, cultural and leisure activities.

    tarjeta_alumno From 13-15 y/o
    icon star Score 8/10
    Summer Camp in residence (13 - 15) Españolé IH

    Summer Camp in residence (13 - 15) Españolé IH

    Icono localización Valencia - Españolé IH
    From 955.00 €

    Course + accommodation from 1095.00 €

  • tarjeta_alumno From 13 y/o
    Day Camp Colegio Maravillas

    Day Camp Colegio Maravillas

    Icono localización Benalmádena - Maravillas
    Icono calendario Máximo 6 semanas
    From 445.00 €

    Course + accommodation from 595.00 €

  • tarjeta_alumno From 13-19 y/o
    Day camp for teens (13 - 19) Españolé IH

    Day camp for teens (13 - 19) Españolé IH

    Icono localización Valencia - Españolé IH
    Icono calendario Máximo 6 semanas
    From 450.00 €

    Course + accommodation from 590.00 €

  • tarjeta_alumno From 15 y/o
    Spanish programme for young adults Malaca Instituto

    Spanish programme for young adults Malaca Instituto

    From 368.00 €

    Course + accommodation from 503.00 €

  • tarjeta_alumno From 13 y/o
    Spring course for teens Maravillas

    Spring course for teens Maravillas

    Icono localización Benalmádena - Maravillas
    Icono calendario maximum 4 weeks
    From 697.00 €

    Course + accommodation from 847.00 €

  • tarjeta_alumno From 13-19 y/o
    icon star Score 9/10
    Summer programme for teens in host families Españolé IH

    Summer programme for teens in host families Españolé IH

    Icono localización Valencia - Españolé IH
    Icono calendario Maximum 6 weeks
    From 855.00 €

    Course + accommodation from 995.00 €

  • tarjeta_alumno From 14 y/o
    Junior programme for teens Enforex Barcelona

    Junior programme for teens Enforex Barcelona

    Icono localización Barcelona - Enforex Barcelona
    From 2130.00 €

    Course + accommodation from 2528.00 €


icono carrito 100% online. Book your course and accommodation in one click.
icono mochila The best selection of schools in Spain. More tan 50 centers in 15 locations, visited and analyzed by our staff.
icon escudo Reliability. Support from our staff taking care of your interests before and during the trip.
icono folleto Flexibility in making changes to your booking in terms of schools, courses or accommodation types.
icono premio The best price, guaranteed. If you find a better price, we'll match it.
icono descuento No extra charges or agency fees. Additional discounts.


what may interest you…

Learn about everything you will find in our Junior programs

Using summer to learn Spanish in Spain or to reinforce the acquired contents while enjoying emblematic cities is an interesting option for youngsters. Moreover, junior programmes are also available in spring giving a student an opportunity to live the immersion during teh school year. 

These junior programmes consist in theroy lessons in accordance with the level of the students and the practical activities such as sports or cultural visits in the city of stay. What's more during the weekends there are organised full day excursions, sometimes with a night in other Spanish locations. All of the activities are carried out under the watchful eye of the teacher who's helping out the students in their learning process. 

Many of the junior programmes have included accommodation in the host family in individual or double room. There is also choice if it comes to boarding. The lodging tends to be very close to the school facilities. Learning and immersion are guaranteed. 

The student may choose between various options and go for the one that adapts best to their needs and objectives. Junior programmes to learn Spanish are full of educational activities. Depending on the course in particular, they also include some extras to facilitate the stay of the participant like insurance, public transport, shuttle from the airport and emergency attention of 24/7. 

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